Black-White Segregation in Small and Mid-sized Texas Cities

I realized that my last two posts on black/white segregation in Texas focused on data from the large urban centers of the state.  I don’t mean to imply this is not a statewide phenomenon.  As a follow-up, I’ve pulled maps from Remapping Debate’s data tool for a couple of small and mid-sized cities in the state.

First, Marshall Texas, the subject of Bill Moyer’s 1983 documentary on race relations and a culture of segregation in what was his own hometown.  As before, areas shaded in red are estimated to have less than 3% African-American population, areas shaded in black have greater than 50% African American population.*  Here the data shows an east-west divide along racial lines.

Percent Population African-American in Marshall (Black > 50%, Red < 3%)


Second, Beaumont, Texas, where the Neches River draws a clear boundary between the majority African-American and near-exclusively white regions of the greater metropolitan area.

Percent Population African-American in Beaumont (Black > 50%, Red < 3%)


Lastly, Amarillo and Midland, which both have 3-4 distinct block groups that are majority African American in an otherwise majority-white city.

Percent Population African-American in Amarillo (Black > 50%, Red < 3%)
Percent Population African-American in Midland (Black > 50%, Red < 3%)


These maps demonstrate that ongoing segregation in Texas is not restricted to the large metropolitan areas.

Remember, you can make your own map using Remapping Debate’s data tool here.

Note: * while Remapping Debate doesn’t provide margins of error, ACS block group data should be considered to have at minimum a 1-2% margin of error on population estimates.

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